
Final External Evaluation of the DiaMaSe Project

ONG: Oxfam italia
Posizione: Final External Evaluation of the DiaMaSe Project
Dipartimento: Programmi
Paese: morocco
Sede: Morocco & Senegal
Tipologia: Lavoro
Contratto: Consultancy
Durata: 2 months
Disponibilità: September 2020
Scadenza candidature: 04-09-2020

DiaMaSe project is approaching now the last months of the activities and the closure of the project activities. Considering the different challenges tackled by the project, there is the need to undertake a comprehensive evaluation exercise to analyse the project’s performance by looking at practices and ways of working in each country of implementation. The final external evaluation is intended to assess whether targets and results have been achieved within the project timeframe and to get useful learnings from the implementation of the project. For this purpose, Oxfam Italia is looking for a consultant/s or consultative firm or a research centre (henceforth provider) with relevant experience in conducting assessment exercises of the effective use of remittances and diaspora investments in promoting economic development.


The final evaluation aims at assessing the a) Relevance, b) Coherence, c) Effectiveness, d) Efficiency e) Sustainability of the project against its overall objective and the main outcomes, consistently with OECD-DAC evaluation criteria. It will also asses the scalability of the project. Therefore, the present final external evaluation has the purpose to assess the quality of the implementation of the project and to highlight key learnings coming from project where the Senegalese and Moroccan diaspora in Italy can be enticed to invest through new innovative financial mechanisms with the ultimate goal of promoting youth employment in rural areas. Overall the scope is to assess the process of choosing the stakeholders, support and guidance provided during implementation, performance of grant recipient and implementation partners in the delivery of the grant and the attendant results and contexts in which they occurred.

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