18 Giugno 2013

Enhancement of local resources for the development of rural tourism in Regions of Herzegovina and Dubrovnik


Enhancement of local resources for the development of rural tourism in Regions of Herzegovina and Dubrovnik

Areas of intervention
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Herzegovina region, municipalities of Nevesinje, Trebinje, Livno
Croatia: Dubrovnik–Neretva County
To activate a cross border tourist system between Dubrovnik and Herzegovina regions based on its specific cultural, traditional and agro resources
Region Tuscany (lead partner), Province of Arezzo, Centre for Touristic Studies of Florence, Wine road Terre di Arezzo, Wine road of Vallagarina (Italy), Municipalities of Livno, Trebinje and Nevesinje, REDAH – Regional agency for economic development of Herzegovina, Association Taste Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), County of Dubrovnik – Neretva, DUNEA Regional Development Agency (Croatia)
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Region Tuscany

Rural sustainable tourism offers an opportunity for theimprovement of family income, preventing the abandonment of the countryside, and contributes to preservation of the natural environment and localtraditions. Rural areas of Dubrovnik and Herzegovina regions, in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovinarespectively, hold great potential for food farming, craft,as well as environmental and historical-cultural resources. However, these potentials are hard to turn to profitable tourism products.

Activities under this project include the valorisation of high quality agricultural productions of Herzegovina  and Dubrovnik regions, through strengthening Centres for the promotion, sales and information on traditional products and the activation of thematic local routes. One of important activities is creation of cross-border wine and food route through the activation of network of public and private actors in tourism and food sectors, thus creating an integrated tourist product based on local specific cultural, food and wine resources and accommodation capacities.
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