2 Luglio 2014

Make possible to realize our dream


Make possible to realize our dream

Albania, Mri
Albania, Mri

Mri’s family’s lives nearby Shkodra city, and is one of the families that migrated from remote areas after the collapse of communism in Albania in 1990.

Before 1990 the family lived in Reç/Velipoje a village between the sea the Buna river and mountains. Mri and her husband finished veterinarian high school in Shkodra with high results and wanted to go on to study at the University of Agriculture in Tirana, but the respective families were poor and could not support them. So instead she started working in a communist cooperative as veterinarian specialist.

After 1990 the new family faced lots of problems just at the beginning. Due to having a baby with health problems they decided to immigrate to Greece, however it was difficult. Much of Mri’s time was taken up by caring for her baby, and there was the added stress of having to pay for medical help. In the end they returned to Albania and bough an old house near Shkodra Lake.

Mri became part of a project “Hapat e Lehtë” that supported families, but especially women that migrated from flat or mountainous areas. Project supported their social and economic need, and although her husband was working in construction, their income was limited. Once the project stopped Mri and her husband started their own traditional family business, so they could support their family. She says, “It is very hard work, but it is necessary to fulfill our family needs. We have a 100 sheep and we sell the milk and cheese, as well as lambs to especially support out daughter’s studies. With our hard work we are making it possible for our daughter to realise her dreams.”

Oxfam project supported the family by providing solar panels for hot water and a stove; both helping the family with their business.
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