18 Giugno 2013

Renewable Energy Technologies in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina


Renewable Energy Technologies in Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina


Bosnia and Herzegovina. Solar panels in a household in Konjic
Solar panels in a household in Konjic

Areas of intervention

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Drina Valley and upper part of Neretva Valley
Albania: Shkodra, Puka, Malesi and Madhe districts
To adopt renewable energy technologies in targeted rural poor communities for increasing efficiency in energy consumption at household/community level thus increasing competitiveness of SMEs operating in agribusiness and eco-tourism
To promote at national and local level the adoption of clean energy policies and programs
Municipalities of Foca, Ustikolina, Gorazde, Srebrenica, Bratunac, Trnovo FBiH and Konjic (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
MADA – Mountain Area Development Agency (Albania)
IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development
January 2012 – March 2015

Albania, delivery of new stoves
Albania, delivery of new stoves

In South East European countries the current energy use is environmentally damaging and unsustainable, and many of the existing environmental problems are closely linked to energy systems. However, both Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina have substantial renewable energy resources that could be harnessed to meet their energy needs.

Project activities include research, policy analysis and institutional building, including detailed needs assessment and specific partnerships agreement to be implemented during the inception phase, the implementation of pilot projects to improve access to renewable technologies for rural tourism and agriculture, the dissemination and scaling-up of intervention through the capacity building and theawareness raising in producers, local communities and the general public.
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