10 Giugno 2014

EC-funded humanitarian projects

Aiuti umanitari e protezione civile
Humanitarian aid and civil protection


The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO), funds relief operations for victims of natural disasters and conflicts outside the European Union. Aid is channelled impartially, straight to victims, regardless of their race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation.

The European Union is one of the world’s largest providers of funds for humanitarian aid operations.
Since 1992, the Commission has financed relief projects in more than 140 countries, easing the suffering of millions of disaster victims in crisis zones outside the EU. Within the Commission, the aid is managed by the Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO). Funds are allocated for vital goods and services including food, shelter, medical provisions, water supplies, sanitation and demining. Disaster preparedness and risk reduction projects in regions prone to natural catastrophes are also among the life-saving activities financed by the Commission.
Aid is channelled impartially to the affected populations, regardless of their race, ethnic
group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation, through operational partners. Implementing partners include around 200 European non-governmental relief organisations, United Nations agencies and the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement.

EC-funded humanitarian projects


Emergency support to protect the livelihood of vulnerable herders’ and farmers’ communities and communities whose basic rights to existence are violated (Oxfam Italia)

Humanitarian Response and assistance for people affected by the Syrian Crisis, Lebanon, Jordan (OxfamGB)


Emergency support to protect livestock-based livelihoods in the most vulnerable  communities of South East Hebron Governorate (Oxfam Italia)

Emergency water distribution for human and animal  consumption in the  most vulnerable communities of Southern West Bank (Oxfam Italia)

Emergency support to the local communities relyng on livestock fortheir subsistence in South Hebron governorate (Oxfam Italia)

Emergency support to the herders and Bedouin communities in Southern West Bank and Gaza Strip (Oxfam Italia)

Emergency livelihood recovery for small ruminants herders (Oxfam Italia)

Emergency livelihood support to small scale farmers affected by Isaac storm (FAO)


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