7 Novembre 2013

ORNIBA ornitological kamp in October


ORNIBA ornitological kamp in October

ORNIBA ornitological kamp
In the field

During October, under the project „ ORNIBA – Bird Species Protection in Balkans: Joint intervention by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro“ ornithological camp was held in two locations: at Tivat Salina in Montenegro and Hutovo Blato in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Main goal of the camp was to  observe the migration of birds along the Adriatic flyway during the autumn migration period. The training was implemented by partners on the project: Centre for bird watching from Montenegro, as well as „Nase ptice“  and „Novi val“ from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

There were 20 participants in the camp from both countries, during which they have been introduced with the usage of bird identification keys, optical tools, managing the ornithological diary and methods of bird watching and monitoring.  This camp marks the beginning of the education of rangers and volunteers, which should be enabled to guide the visitors through birds-rich areas and to introduce them to bird watching secrets.

Project is financed by European Union, and implemented by Oxfam with partners within the IPA Cross-border cooperation program Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro.
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