24 Settembre 2013

Oxfam with partners organises Researcher s Night in BiH


Researcher s Night in BiH


Oxfam office in BiH with partners Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo (HEIS) and Tidea doo Banja Luka, has created a fun and exciting night out for all visitors who come an join the celebrations of science in Sarajevo and Banja Luka on 27th September 2013.

Since 2005, the European Union is supporting and funding this initiative through its FP7 People Programme, with an aim to promote scientific research, encourage young people to consider researcher’s careers and raise awareness on effects that scientific research has on our everyday life.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has joined the Researchers’ Night last year, when this manifestation was held in Banja Luka. This year Sarajevo joined Banja Luka, to simultaneously host events and celebrate science on 27 September 2013. The theme of this year events in BiH is „Horror in science“, with the common slogan “Science is horrific!”, emphasising the influence of science and research on our planet in the modern times and future. Slogan has the two-fold meaning: for those who think that science is horrific, to show that it can be terrific and fun!

Visitors will have the opportunity to spend unusual and interesting family educational evening out in both cities. Many interesting activities are organised, such as treasure hunt, interactive theatre performances, crim investigation, crazy scientists party, 3D street art, time capsules, star gazing, science-fiction quiz, while also a coffee with the scientists will be on offer, as well as a number of interesting prizes made available for participants in various experiments and competitions.

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